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This page describes how to download IBM SPSS Statistics 20

Download Description

IBM® SPSS® Statistics is the world’s leading statistical software used to solve business and research problems by means of ad-hoc analysis, hypothesis testing, and predictive analytics. Organizations use IBM SPSS Statistics to understand data, analyze trends, forecast and plan to validate assumptions and drive accurate conclusions.

PDF versions of the installation instructions and manuals are available on theIBM SPSS Statistics 20 Documentation page.

To download a product, go to the IBM Passport Advantage® Web Site and then:

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. If you are a returning customer, sign in.
    If you are a new customer, register.
  3. If the Software download & media access window appears, click I agree.
  4. In the Find downloads & media window, click Download finder.
  5. Under Download finder, select the download you want, and click Continue.
  6. Under Select criteria, select a language and one or more platforms.
  7. Under Download options, select the options you want, and click Continue.
  8. Under Review “Current version” downloads, expand Current version and under Description, select the download you want, expand it and select the items you want.
  9. If applicable, under Select optional downloads, expand and select the items you want.
  10. Under Review downloading specifics, update the Download method or the Download location, if you want, and then click I agree, and click Download now.
  11. In the Initial Setup dialog, change the Default download location, if you want.
  12. If you are prompted, click OK to create the directory where you want the downloaded items to be stored.
  13. Click OK to begin the download.

Use the plus sign icon to expand the files in the download of your choice in order to avoid downloading unnecessary files.
When the download has finished, Download complete appears in the Download Director dialog.Free

The required and optional parts for each product are listed and described in detail. There is an option to download each licensed eAssembly. Each eAssembly contains all of the required and optional downloads needed for a particular product and platform combination.

Downloading and assembling the product
  • 1. Download all of the parts that you need, both required and optional.
    2. Unpack each of the parts into a single temporary directory on your system.
    3. Follow the installation instructions provided in the download to install the product.
For the Desktop and Developer versions, the installation instructions are included in the IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop/Developer Installation Documentation 20.0 Multilingual (CRFJ4ML) eImage. If you select this eAssembly in Passport Advantage, a zip archive named SPSS_Statistics_20_DocInstall.zip will be included in the download directory.
For the Server version, the installation instructions are included in the IBM SPSS Statistics Server Documentation 20.0 English (CI211EN) eImage. If you select this eImage in Passport Advantage, a zip archive named SPSS_Statistics_20_Doc_en.zip will be included in the download directory.
For assistance with all questions on generating and accessing authorization codes, including how to enable additional add-on modules that you purchase, go to:
Any customer with an active support contract can seek activation assistance by logging a support request online or by phone via links available at www.ibm.com/planetwide.
Download Options
You can download entire eAssemblies or individual eImages.
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop 20.0 Windows Multilingual eAssembly (CRG2LML)
The Windows version of the desktop statistical and data management package for analysts and researchers. It contains all available languages and all add-on modules.
Do I need it? You need it if you purchased IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop, and you intend to install it on a Windows computer.
What do I need to download? You need to download either the “32-bit” or the “64-bit” eImage, depending on the operating system on your computer. You do not need to download both.
You only need to download the “IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Adapters for Statistics 20.0” eImage if you have a Collaboration and Deployment Services installation at your site.
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop 20.0 Mac OS Multilingual eAssembly (CRG2PML)
The Mac OS version of the desktop statistical and data management package for analysts and researchers. It contains all available languages and all add-on modules.
Do I need it? You need it if you purchased IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop, and you intend to install it on a Mac computer.
What do I need to download? You need to download either the “regular” or the “silent” eImage, depending on how you intend to install it. You do not need to download both. Download the silent eImage only if you are an administrator at your site, and intend to push the installation of the software to other users.
You only need to download the “IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Adapters for Statistics 20.0” eImage if you have a Collaboration and Deployment Services installation at your site.
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop 20.0 Linux Multilingual eAssembly (CRG2MML)
The Linux version of the desktop statistical and data management package for analysts and researchers. It contains all available languages and all add-on modules.
Do I need it? You need it if you purchased IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop, and you intend to install it on a Linux computer.
What do I need to download? You need to download the IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop 20.0 Linux Multilingual eImage.
You only need to download the “IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Adapters for Statistics 20.0” eImage if you have a Collaboration and Deployment Services installation at your site.
IBM SPSS Statistics Developer 20.0 Multiplatform Multilingual eAssembly (CRFJ8ML)
A special version of the desktop statistical and data management package for developers. It contains all available languages and all add-on modules.
Do I need it? You need it if you purchased IBM SPSS Statistics Developer.
What do I need to download? You need to download the correct eImage for your desktop computer’s operating system.
You only need to download the “IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Adapters for Statistics 20.0” eImage if you have a Collaboration and Deployment Services installation at your site.
What else do I need? We suggest that you visit the IBM Developer Community at developerWorks for information and tools.
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop 20.0 Documentation Multilingual eAssembly (CRFJ4ML)
The installation instructions and manuals for IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop and Developer. This includes installation instructions for all supported platforms for single user installation, site license installation and administration, network license (concurrent license) installation and administration, and data access pack installation (for database access).
What do I need to download? If you decide that you want it, you only need to download the eImages corresponding to the languages that you want. (For installation instructions, there is a single eImage for all languages.)
IBM SPSS Statistics Data Drivers 20.0 Multilingual Multiplatform eAssembly (CRFK5ML)
Drivers to support various data sources in IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop, Developer, and Server.
Do I need it? It is optional. You only need drivers if you need support for opening data from a database or opening IBM SPSS Data Collection data.
What do I need to download? If you decide that you want database drivers, download “IBM SPSS Data Access Pack 6.1”.
If you have Salesforce.com at your site and you need to open Salesforce data in SPSS Statistics, download “IBM SPSS Data Access Pack for Salesforce.com”.
If you need to open Data Collection data, download the eImages with “Data Collection” in the name, including one language of the Installation Guide and the 32-bit or 64-bit version of the “Developer Library” and “Developer Kit”.
Note: This eAssembly also contains “IBM SPSS Statistics Data File Drivers”. The Statistics data file drivers allow you to read SPSS Statistics (.sav) data files in applications that support Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) or Java Database Connectivity (JDBC). This is optional. Only download it if you need it.
IBM SPSS Statistics Concurrent User Licensing Server 20.0 Multilingual Multiplatform eAssembly (CRFJ6ML)
License managers and hardware keys for IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop and Developer.
Do I need it? There are two reasons why you might need it: you purchased software that requires a hardware key, or you are an SPSS administrator at a site that purchased concurrent licenses. If you are not aware of either of those conditions, then you don’t need it.
What do I need to download? If your software requires a license key, download the key for your computer’s operating system.
If you are an SPSS administrator at a site that purchased concurrent licenses, download the Sentinel License Manager corresponding to the operating system of the computer where you plan to install it.
IBM SPSS Statistics Server 20.0 Multiplatform English eAssembly (CRFJ7EN)
The Server version of the SPSS IBM SPSS Statistics product.
Do I need it? You need it if you purchased IBM SPSS Statistics Server.
What do I need to download? You need to download the correct eImage for your server computer’s operating system.
You only need to download the “IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Adapters for Statistics 20.0” eImage if you have a Collaboration and Deployment Services installation at your site.
IBM SPSS Visualization Designer 1.0.3 Windows English eAssembly (CRCQ9EN)
A desktop application that allows you to create your own custom visualization templates.
Do I need it? You need it if you purchased IBM SPSS Visualization Designer.
IBM SPSS SamplePower 3 Windows English eAssembly (CRCQ6EN)
A desktop application that helps you to find the best sample size for your research.
Do I need it? You need it if you purchased IBM SPSS SamplePower.
The following table list all the parts available for IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0.
Parts and PlatformseImage
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop 20.0 Windows Multilingual eAssemblyCRG2LML
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop 32-bit 20.0 Windows MultilingualCI1ZYML
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop 64-bit 20.0 Windows MultilingualCI1ZZML
IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Adapters for Statistics 20.0CI212ML
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop Quick Start Guide 20.0 MultilingualCI07MML
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop 20.0 Mac OS Multilingual eAssemblyCRG2PML
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop 20.0 Mac MultilingualCI200ML
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop 20.0 Mac Silent MultilingualCI202ML
IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Adapters for Statistics 20.0CI212ML
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop Quick Start Guide 20.0 MultilingualCI07MML
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop 20.0 Linux Multilingual eAssemblyCRG2MML
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop 20.0 Linux MultilingualCI201ML
IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Adapters for Statistics 20.0CI212ML
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop Quick Start Guide 20.0 MultilingualCI07MML
IBM SPSS Statistics Developer 20.0 Multiplatform Multilingual eAssemblyCRFJ8ML
IBM SPSS Statistics Developer 32-bit 20.0 Windows MultilingualCI20CML
IBM SPSS Statistics Developer 64-bit 20.0 Windows MultilingualCI20DML
IBM SPSS Statistics Developer 20.0 Mac MultilingualCI20EML
IBM SPSS Statistics Developer 20.0 Linux MultilingualCI20FML
IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Adapters for Statistics 20.0CI212ML
IBM SPSS Statistics Developer Quick Start Guide 20.0 MultilingualCI07PML
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop 20.0 Documentation Multilingual eAssemblyCRFJ4ML
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop/Developer Installation Documentation 20.0 MultilingualCI1ZLML
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop/Developer Documentation 20.0 EnglishCI1ZMEN
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop/Developer Documentation 20.0 FrenchCI1ZNFR
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop/Developer Documentation 20.0 GermanCI1ZPDE
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop/Developer Documentation 20.0 ItalianCI1ZQIT
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop/Developer Documentation 20.0 JapaneseCI1ZRJA
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop/Developer Documentation 20.0 RussianCI1ZURU
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop/Developer Documentation 20.0 Simplified ChineseCI1ZVSC
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop/Developer Documentation 20.0 SpanishCI1ZWES
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop/Developer Documentation 20.0 Traditional ChineseCI1ZXTC
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop Quick Start Guide 20.0 MultilingualCI07MML
IBM SPSS Statistics Data Drivers 20.0 Multilingual Multiplatform eAssemblyCRFK5ML
IBM SPSS Statistics Desktop Quick Start Guide 20.0 MultilingualCI07MML
IBM SPSS Data Access Pack 6.1 Multiplatform EnglishCI07QEN
IBM SPSS Data Access Pack for Salesforce.com 6.0 Windows EnglishCI07REN
IBM SPSS Statistics Data File Drivers 20.0 Multiplatform EnglishCI207EN
IBM SPSS Data Collection 6.0.1 SRDK Installation Guide ChineseCI221ML
IBM SPSS Data Collection 6.0.1 SRDK Installation Guide EnglishCI220EN
IBM SPSS Data Collection 6.0.1 SRDK Installation Guide FrenchCI222FR
IBM SPSS Data Collection 6.0.1 SRDK Installation Guide GermanCI223DE
IBM SPSS Data Collection 6.0.1 SRDK Installation Guide ItalianCI224IT
IBM SPSS Data Collection 6.0.1 SRDK Installation Guide JapaneseCI225JA
IBM SPSS Data Collection 6.0.1 SRDK Installation Guide SpanishCI226ES
IBM SPSS Data Collection Developer Library 32-bit 6.0.1 Windows MultilingualCI208ML
IBM SPSS Data Collection Developer Library 64-bit 6.0.1 Windows MultilingualCI24UML
IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Reporter Developer Kit 32-bit 6.0.1 WindowsCI209ML
IBM SPSS Data Collection Survey Reporter Developer Kit 64-bit 6.0.1 WindowsCI24TML
IBM SPSS Statistics Concurrent User Licensing Server 20.0 Multilingual Multiplatform eAssemblyCRFJ6ML
IBM SPSS Statistics Server Quick Start Guide 20.0 EnglishCI07NEN
Sentinel License Manager 64-bit 8.2.2 AIX EnglishCI07UEN
Sentinel License Manager 64-bit 8.2.2 HPUX EnglishCI07VEN
Sentinel License Manager 32-bit Linux EnglishCI07WEN
Sentinel License Manager 64-bit 8.2.3 Linux EnglishCI07XEN
Sentinel License Manager 64-bit 8.2.1 Solaris EnglishCI07YEN
Sentinel License Manager 8.3.0 Windows EnglishCZZZ4EN
Sentinel License Manager 8.2.1 Mac EnglishCI227EN
Sentinel License Manager Tools 8.2.1 Windows EnglishCI07ZEN
Sentinel Protection 7.4.0 (hardware key) WindowsCI080EN
Sentinel Protection 7.4.0 (hardware key) LinuxCI228EN
Sentinel Protection (hardware key) MacCI229EN
IBM SPSS Statistics Server 20.0 Multiplatform English eAssemblyCRFJ7EN
IBM SPSS Statistics Server Quick Start Guide 20.0 EnglishCI07NEN
IBM SPSS Statistics Server 32-bit 20.0 Windows EnglishCI20SEN
IBM SPSS Statistics Server 64-bit 20.0 Windows EnglishCI20TEN
IBM SPSS Statistics Server 20.0 zLinux EnglishCI20UEN
IBM SPSS Statistics Server 32-bit 20.0 Linux EnglishCI20VEN
IBM SPSS Statistics Server 64-bit 20.0 Linux EnglishCI20WEN
IBM SPSS Statistics Server 20.0 AIX EnglishCI20XEN
IBM SPSS Statistics Server 20.0 HPUX EnglishCI20YEN
IBM SPSS Statistics Server 20.0 Solaris EnglishCI20ZEN
IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Adapters for Statistics 20.0CI212ML
IBM SPSS Statistics Administration Console 20.0 Windows EnglishCI210EN
IBM SPSS Statistics Server Documentation 20.0 EnglishCI211EN
IBM SPSS Visualization Designer 1.0.3 Windows English eAssemblyCRCQ9EN
IBM SPSS Visualization Designer 1.0.3 License Instructions EnglishCI20GEN
IBM SPSS Visualization Designer Documentation 1.0.3 Windows EnglishCZN4KEN
IBM SPSS Visualization Designer 1.0.3 Windows EnglishCZN4JEN
IBM SPSS SamplePower 3 Windows English eAssemblyCRCQ6EN
IBM SPSS SamplePower 3 License Instructions EnglishCI20HEN
IBM SPSS SamplePower 3 Windows EnglishCZN4HEN
IBM SPSS SamplePower Documentation 3 Windows EnglishCZN4IEN

Installation Instructions

Review the installation instructions from theIBM SPSS Statistics 20 Documentation page.
Desktop/Developer installation instructions are available in eImage CI1ZLML.
Server installation instructions are available in eImage CI211EN.

Download Package

Note that the product download above is available on Passport Advantage. Future fix packs for this product will be distributed through Fix Central.
[{'Product':{'code':'SSLVMB','label':'SPSS Statistics'},'Business Unit':{'code':'BU053','label':'Cloud & Data Platform'},'Component':'Not Applicable','Platform':[{'code':'PF002','label':'AIX'},{'code':'PF010','label':'HP-UX'},{'code':'PF016','label':'Linux'},{'code':'PF014','label':'iOS'},{'code':'PF027','label':'Solaris'},{'code':'PF033','label':'Windows'}],'Version':'20.0','Edition':','Line of Business':{'code':'LOB10','label':'Data and AI'}}]

Document Information

Buy Spss For Mac

Modified date:
13 April 2020

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